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Theme: Empowering Intelligent Systems and Computing Technology for Sustainable Development in Power Systems

The 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control, and Energy Systems (IEEE-ICPEICES-2024) is a highly anticipated event that is poised to take place from the 26th to the 28th of April, 2024, at the prestigious Delhi Technological University in the vibrant city of Delhi, India. This conference has been meticulously crafted with a singular purpose in mind: to serve as an enriching and collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge, interactive presentations, and thoughtful dialogues on the ever-evolving landscape of technology and engineering.
As we gather at this momentous occasion, distinguished experts, researchers, and scholars from around the world will come together to explore and illuminate the burgeoning trends in the realms of power electronics, intelligent control, and energy systems. With a shared passion for innovation and progress, this conference promises to be an inspiring congregation where groundbreaking ideas, cutting-edge research, and practical insights will be shared, discussed, and developed. Delhi Technological University, a renowned hub of knowledge and innovation, is the perfect backdrop for this event. Its state-of-the-art facilities and intellectual vibrancy will provide the ideal setting for attendees to engage in meaningful discourse and build valuable connections.
We cordially invite you to join us at the 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control, and Energy Systems (IEEE- ICPEICES-2024), where your participation will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and engineering. Together, we will explore new horizons and contribute to the advancement of these critical fields. We look forward to your presence and the insights you will bring to this collective journey of discovery and progress.

Esteemed Guest Speakers

Prepare to immerse yourself in a wealth of knowledge. The speakers will enrich your understanding through their vast experiences.

Industry Connect

You have the opportunity to engage in this extraordinary event, where seasoned experts excel at their best.

ic_fluent_people_community_28_filledCreated with Sketch.

Professional Networking

Connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultivate meaningful relationships.

Recreational Activities

Discover and savor the enchantment and the wonders of India.

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